Thursday 26 January 2012

A Missionary Mother’s Beatitudes

How blessed I am when I admit I have nothing of value to give

For my Father sprinkles my day with His riches

How blessed I am when I embrace endings

For in that soil new shoots spring forth

How blessed I am when I lay down my pride

For new territory can be won and occupied in my life

How blessed I am when I endeavor to do the right thing, although others may complain

Their complaints, turned to thanks, bless my heart

How blessed I am when I quickly forgive and extend grace

Then I understand God’s grace and my unworthiness to judge as I too am quickly forgiven

How blessed I am when all the distractions are held back (my complaints, the internet, my worries)

For God dwells in my day

How blessed I am when I choose to come alongside those who are struggling

For when I do, God affirms me as His child, being like my Daddy

How blessed I am when storms arise and arrows are launched at me

For they are opportunities for breakthrough for God’s glory to be manifest in my life

How blessed I am when I am misunderstood, bad-mouthed and misrepresented to others

My heart’s intentions and focus will be made clear in heaven – I am not alone – it is the same of all those who seek to proclaim God.

Saturday 14 January 2012

The seasons of a day

God has been talking to me a lot recently about rhythm. Right from the beginning, God set stars and the moon and in the sun in the sky for seasons, and for the ebbs and flows of day and night. His original creation, before the fall spoke of rest and work, in a harmonious flow. But modern life speaks of productivity and more productivity, without time to properly rest or embrace the natural rhythms of the day.

Below is an art response reflection on the four seasons of a day using photos from our recent trip to Callaria, a Shibipo community in the Amazon jungle where there is no electricity so the day is influenced by the rising and the setting of the sun...

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